Trouble in Blog City

Trouble in Blog City

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

This is kind a nuisance post but I have come across a problem. I do have a few subscribers to the blog. I thank all of you who are regular readers. However I cannot now tell how many readers that I have. The blog uses a service called Feedburner which I set up when I first set up the blog. Feedburner was apparently bought by Google at some point in the past and they made a few, uh, changes under the hood. I haven’t looked for some time and when I did earlier this week it said that I had zero, yes that’s zero, subscribers. Now I don’t think that’s accurate and I hope that all of the readers have not been suddengly flushed into that great recycling bin in the sky. Google support seems to be less than enthusiastic for this service and others seem to have a multitude of complaints. So I would like to ask that if you indeed received an email advising you of this new post, PLEASE, leave me a comment so that I’ll know that at least the machinery for notifying readers is still intact even though what I can see says something different. I will breath a lot easier. If you’ve never left a comment, it is really quite easy, although not obvious. At the end of the post there is a relatively small print text item that says “No comments” or “x comments”. Click on that and it will open a little form for leaving a comment.

Thanks in advance.


18 Responses to “Trouble in Blog City”

  1. Dana Says:

    Hi Joe. I’m not subscribed by email, just the RSS feed which seems to be working as normal. Interesting that Google isn’t responding well – maybe they’re not really sure how it works…

    How is Italy? I really miss being there!

  2. Joe Says:

    I’m glad that you responded. So that means that email and RSS are all working. It’s just that I have no visibility. It’s driving me slightly crazy but I’m relieved.


  3. Gabriele Says:

    la notifica di un eventuale nuovo post mi arriva sul mio blog; non mi arrivano mail, ma appena vedo che c’è un nuovo post vado a leggere 🙂


  4. Joe Says:

    Grazie, Gabriele. Dopo un po’ mi rendero’ felice di incontrarti.


  5. Jim Bowers Says:

    I have read every posting on this blog with great interest. My own experience with Italian culture has been limited to about ten days more than two decades ago. Very insightful and informative.

  6. Joe Says:

    Yes, your comment (both of them made it). I deleted the other one.


  7. Peter H. Says:

    Hello Joe,
    Yes, I am still alive and an avid reader of your blog. looking forward to receiving them when you go “live” in Italy.

  8. Joe Says:

    It won’t be long, Peter.


  9. Jamie P. Says:

    Got it, Joe. Yes, I’m out here… waiting patiently for each and every post. 🙂

  10. Joe Says:

    Thanks Jamie, I do hope to post fairly often from Bologna.


  11. Bill H Says:

    Got it. Have fun on your trip.

  12. Joe Says:

    It should be an interesting trip. I’ll try to post regularly complete with personal photos.


  13. Hilary Says:

    i received notice of your blog – obviously. see you at the gym.

  14. Joe Says:

    Thanks, Hillary and everyone else who responded. I guess the list of subscribers is alive and well somewhere in cyberspace.


  15. Brenda Buxton Says:

    Dear Joe:
    Count me as one of your readers! And “in bocca al lupo” for your upcoming trip! Brenda

  16. Joe Says:

    Crepi! (Isn’t that a strange standard response for “in bocca al lupo”?)


  17. Suzanne Says:

    Hi Joe,
    Read every one so far. I really enjoy the blog. Have a wonderful time in Italy and post some more wonderful recipes for us to try!!!

  18. Joe Says:


    I’m glad that you enjoy it. I’m hoping that there’s a good cook wherever I’m staying. Maybe I can improve my ability to make fresh pasta at home.


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