Ah, to be rich in Bologna
Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
So maybe you just won the lottery, or maybe your last name is Agnelli (founder of Fiat) or perhaps you’re a woman chummy with Berlusconi. Of course you might be living in Turin, Milan or Rome. But perhaps you really like Bologna – after all there’s a lot to like. If you have money burning a hole in your pocket, where do you go? Well, I think that I have the answer. There’s no shortage of opportunities to lavish cash on overpriced items with a designer name. Just go to Piazza Minghetti and you can leave considerably poorer.
I had some time to walk around there while waiting to meet some people at the bus stop nearby. The first window that I looked into was Georgio Armani. Does anyone really need pants that cost 405 euros? I think not. But as long as you are in the mood the jacket goes for 2395 euros – that’s certain to impress your other rich friends. But wait, let’s move upscale a little bit. Across the street you find Gucci and Hermes where you can one-up your pals that settled for the 405 euro pants with those that go for 520 and 540 euros respectively. What is this, a contest to see who can price their stuff the highest? Of course the women are not to be outdone. The women’s pants in the Armani window go for 690 euros – women seem always to be charged more and what else to talk about during those boring afternoons at the spa? Of course you could opt for the jacket at a modest 1375 euros.
- 540 pants for men, 690 for women – that’s euros folks
- 540 euro pants
- 375 euro sweater at D & G
- Pants only 520 euros here
Want more? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. The relatively simple sweater at Dolce and Gabana goes for 375 euros. The shoes in the window of Miu Miu go for 395 euros. Of course for those that are on an economizing kick due to the slumping Italian economy you can always go to Emporio Armani (don’t breath a word about this) and pay only 200 euros for a pair of pants. Of course one must accessorize with a scarf that it seems that no respectable Italian would be without at almost any time of year with even a hint of chill in the air.
- if you have to ask you can’t afford it
- The Miu Mius shoes – not exactly everyday wear
- I think that this was Fendi – the large bag goes for 1300 euros
- Emporio Armani – pants for only 200 euros
There are certainly riper opportunities to part with a “sacco di soldi†a pile of money. Louis Vuitton is there and don’t even post prices in the window as is usually the custom. As the saying about yachts goes, “ if you have to ask the price, you can’t afford itâ€. There are other clothing shops with vertiginous prices; Fendi, Burberry, Yves Saint Laurent and numberous high end Italian designer that I’m unfamiliar with. But to really eat into the bank account there are Bulgari and Tiffany as well. I did find a one shop that liked.
- No comment needed
- Well there was more than one window
- In fact there were three
But who wears this stuff. Maybe this is one?
- Victim of fashion?
Comments anyone?
October 4th, 2011 at 6:35 pm
Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Window shopping was one of my favorite things to do in Italy. The prices are crazy. My favorite remains the car store in Roma. It was a corner shop with large windows on every side. It was beautiful at night with all the lights on. Inside there was an Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Ferrari, and an assortment of other various smaller vehicles. They were all displayed very lovingly. The simple joys of traveling…!
October 5th, 2011 at 11:12 am
That would be fun. I see some big cars around – big Mercedes and Audis and even an occasional Ferrrari but they seem extremely impractical in a county with narrow and often cobblestoned streets. I’d opt for a new FIAT Cinquecento and a motorino. It is fun to look in windows though – one of my favorite things to do when traveling and they do make it so convenient by posting prices. I wish that they did that in the states.
October 5th, 2011 at 6:37 am
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to go into Hermes and try on numerous scarves. Unfortunately, none is quite what you are looking for……too short, too long, wrong shade of green, not soft enough cashmere…… Sigh. Then try to find that fashionable blonde.
October 5th, 2011 at 11:09 am
I’d have to arrive in a chauffeured Mercedes or they might throw me out. Still that would be fun to do – the scarves probably go for only 200 euros.
October 5th, 2011 at 10:45 am
Joe, Your stories of Italy are causing my family to insist on a trip to Venice/Florence at the end of the school year!!
October 5th, 2011 at 11:17 am
My advice would be to skip Florence and Venice except as day trips unless you like spending all of your time with other tourists. They’re beautiful but seriously, check out Bologna and some of the other areas here, Parma, Modena, Ferrara, etc. Also in Tuscany I really love Lucca, Sienna and Pienza plus a lot of little towns that are really not on tourists maps but are terrific. I also highly recommend Liguria from Genova and south. I also certainly recommend Rome. It’s big but fully of life and, like New York, absorbs a lot of tourists without feeling, well, cluttered with them.
October 5th, 2011 at 11:54 am
Love the photos, especially the last one as a follow-on to the La Perla store windows.. VERY funny!
Hey… it looks like La Perla is having a 50% off sale (or maybe its more like 90%)! 🙂
October 5th, 2011 at 12:14 pm
Now that COMMENT was funny!