Do you know the way to San…..Luca
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
Patrizia recommended a little walk to San Luca. It is another symbol of Bologna on a hill at the edge of town. She wrote down the the two buses that I needed to take and the final stop, which I confirmed with the bus driver. At the bus stop there were no signs so I asked someone on the street and they said just walk straight ahead and walk under the porticos that go all of the way there. Just a 20 minute walk he said  So, I did. The two photos below I got from the web. The others I took along the way.
- The full name is Santuario di Madonna di San Luca
- Here you can see more of the astounding portico
So I started walking….
- … and up…
- Every time I turn a corner … keep going up…
- Light at the end – maybe I’m getting close…
- Ok, a few steps here – up we go.
OK, my time to take little rest and look at some of the homes along the way…
- Shouldn’t there be Maserati parked in the drive?
- Some nice villas up here.
Can’t be much further……
- Whew – that must be the end up ahead….
- OH MY GOD – still more….
Well, at least I take take a little break and admire the view out over the city of Bologna….
- Nice view of Bologna
Finally near the top and who do I see? I should just quite complaining ….
- A determined woman
The Basilica is closed on Saturdays and the view? Well, a lot of forest and this.
- Can’t see Bologna but it is one of the highest points around so what would you expect?
Well, the view from the top didn’t do much for me but it was indeed and interesting experience. It was NOT 20 minutes to the top. In fact the porticos are continuous from street level to the Basilica. You could walk the whole 3.5 kilometers in the pouring rain and never feel a drop. Â That 3.5 kilometers translates into about 2.2 miles. It was, needless to say, easier coming down and I was really ready for lunch.
October 19th, 2011 at 9:07 am
Joe, What a nice hike! How far was the trail head from town?
October 19th, 2011 at 9:59 am
Not far at all. Should you be in Bologna you take the #20 bus from Piazza Minghetti and get off at Fermata Meloncello. Then you just follow the sidewalk for about 100 meters to where the portico starts. If you time it right you can eat at Trattoria Meloncello right across from the bus stop which is supposed to a great value with true Bolognese food at a reasonable price.
October 19th, 2011 at 12:23 pm
Joe, Looks great! We got your post card. Thx Peter
October 20th, 2011 at 11:04 pm
It takes an amazing long time to get a simple post card from Italy to the US. Not only that but the postage is 1.6 euros – almost two cups of coffee.