Trip to Rosora (lessons learned)

Trip to Rosora (lessons learned)

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

After leaving Urbino I was headed to an AirBnB room not too far away in the relatively microscopic town of Rosora. Google maps on my trusty iPhone gave me two options. A drive through the countryside or take major roads. I was in no hurry so opted for the leisurely drive through the country. I used the navigation part including the prompts. After awhile I noted that when in navigation mode it was sucking power like crazy so I turned off the prompts and looked occasionally at where I was and adjusted accordingly. At first everything seemed to be going quite well but after the second wrong turn and backtrack I noted that the power was now showing in the red at under 20% battery capacity. I persevered and kept getting closer to the elusive Rosora but still was not there when I noticed that I was at about 8% of capacity. Oh dear. I stopped at a service station/bar and asked directions and also asked to charge my cell phone. So I charged it up to 15% and headed out. I finally got to Rosora. The address given was for the city hall. I knew this because I had talked to Roberta the previous day on the phone. She said that I should just go to the only bar in town near the city hall and she would be there being the barrista. Well, I arrived and I didn’t see any bar near the city hall. I called and now noted that the phone showed 3% remaining – 3 PERCENT! So I backtracked in the car and found the place that had german writing on the awning that I thought must have been a birreria (pub) but no, it was the bar and Stefano, Roberta’s brother treated me to a beer while I recharged the phone for awhile and then followed him to the house/B and B where I was the only guest. I didn’t really take any pictures but happened upon a couple on the web, including the bar.  I guess a one bar town is the equivalent of our one horse town.

Lessons learned. #1:Regardless of how attractive it seems don’t take the ambling country road. #2: Get a charger that goes into the cigarette lighter and keep the charging cord handy. Certainly can relieve a lot of anxiety.

I did get directions from Stefano to an Agritourismo that serves dinner. It wasn’t spectacular but was good, well prepared and the waitress was friendly. At the end of the meal they bought 4 bottles of liquids produced on the farm; lemoncello, grappa, an amaro (digestivo) and some other kind of after dinner drink. I sampled them all and they were all good.


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