Almost the third week.
Sunday, March 22nd, 2020
Now it’s Sunday, March 22. In the last blog post 4 days ago I said that I’d do another post on the next day. Well, I got lazy. It’s really a strange phenomenon being cooped up in the apartment for days. Now it is the 6th day that I have not left the house except to take out the recycling which is only something like 100 meters from the door to the building. Not very interesting and not much exercise.
I wanted to go to the supermarket today but the ones closest to me are closed. But I think that I’ll go anyway. I’ll take the carello so that if I’m questioned by a policeman I can say that I didn’t know that both the supermarket and the pharmacy are closed. Yes, as I said in my previous post, they are really clamping down here. In the last week there have been 9000 fines issued to people who are flaunting the rules. This is serious business with as of today 53,578 cases recorded. This includes those who have been cured or have died. The rate of increase is still at 14% but there is hope that we’re approaching the peak since many of those being reported were actually infected before the start of the lock down but were asymptomatic. We’ll see – I certainly hope so. Still I’ve gotten some interesting videos from friends here. A little humor helps relieve the stress.
This next one is pretty long. It has artworks usually by well known artists with titles for this time of the coronavirus. Without knowing Italian you can probably guess at many of them. In the first one, “starnuto” means “sneeze”.
Here’s a quick list of painting titles in order: The Sneeze, Patient Zero, Epidemic Hotspot, Red Zone, Identify the virus strain, Here there’s Purell,Quarantine on the water, Integral masks, Bars open until 6PM, Closing of the parks, The gathering,This is what you do all day?, Fleeing from the north, At the supermarket, No more service at the bar, A stroll downtown, At least a meter (apart), The closure of the beauticians, I’m staying at home, Just need a document to go out, Finally at home together, Flash mob, Don’t return to the South, Without pilates.
Let me know if you made it all of the way through the video – admittedly without Italian language it’s a bit of a chore.

Oh yes, given that much of the US has been asking (and not enforcing) social distancing for at least a week now. I’d like to share a photo from New Orleans on Saint Patrick’s day – March 17. As of today there are 763 cases in Louisiana.