So what’s new?

So what’s new?

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Recently I had a message from my ex that John Prine is in critical condition from the coronavirus. Immediately my favorite song of his came to mind “Hello in there”. There’s a part of the lyrics :

But what could I say if he asks “What’s new?”
“Nothing, what’s with you? Nothing much to do”

Here there’s not much to do but I do have news. But first a couple of things in tribute to John. He along with Leonard Cohen are the poets that put their poems to music.

He wrote this song in his 20s. It shows an unusual insight into the life of a lot of seniors at such a young age

I’m far from alone in giving tribute to John:

What’s new with me, the new apartment, my beard, unfortunate forced separation from Laura due to the lockdown in Italy. I’ll do a new post about all of that – This one is reserved for John Prine.

2 Responses to “So what’s new?”

  1. Karen Chedister Says:

    Rest in peace, John Prine. Thank you for the wonderful songs.

  2. Joe Says:

    Thanks for the comment Karen. I heard the news from you first. I’m sorry to see him go. His songs mean a lot to me and I think that they will endure.


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