Category: Culture

Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

He’s back!

Monday, April 30th, 2018

It has been a year and a half since I’ve seen the fountain of Neptune. That’s how long he has been undergoing restoration. I did take a tour of the restoration in progress a year ago and have been anxious to see the results. Now somewhat polished, sans pigeon droppings, oxidation and with cleaned water […]

Books from Italy

Sunday, December 31st, 2017

I have found that as my language skills continue to improve that I read more and more books. That’s partly because it doesn’t take as long to read them. It used to be a bit of drudgery because I was looking up so many words or phrases and making notes that it would take a […]

Random Bologna

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

I just have a bunch of photos that I think are interesting without any particular theme. I hope that you find them interesting too. Well, that’s all folks, move along, nothing more to see here.

Terre Rare (Rare Earths)

Monday, November 27th, 2017

One day two or three years ago I happened upon this little shop. There had been a big political demonstration in the central piazza (Piazza Maggiore) by the Lega Nord – the right-most party in Italy in Bologna, one of the left-most cities. So they had closed several streets, there was a significant police presence […]