Category: Uncategorized

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Milano Mayor Goes Berserk

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

There was video on the front page of the La Stampa newspaper, the newspaper of Torino, showing a crowd shortly after a slight relaxation of the rules after entering phase 2. It shows a crowd gathered in a neighborhood of Milano who were DEFINITELY flaunting the rules. The mayor of Milano went berserk and the […]

Italy Phase 2

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

Phase 2 is the long awaited relaxation of restrictions in Italy started on May 3rd. In Phase 1, which was the initial lockdown that started on March 10th, the stay at home rules were VERY strict. Stay at home other to go to buy groceries or to a pharmacy and little else. Parks were closed […]

I’m still here

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

I mean that title in two senses. First I’m alive and well in these times when that means more than it usually does and second I’m still in Bologna and in general unable to go very far from my house. You need to fill out a form to go to another town or city. So […]

Starting Week 6 of the lock down (even the blog titles are getting boring)

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Whooo boy, this is getting old. Thank God for WhatsApp. I talk to friends here and in California with video. I talk to my realtor, who’s becoming more and more of a friend as she steers the house sale through the process. The severe restrictions on movement has now been extended to May 3rd. So […]