Category: Uncategorized

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I’m proud of you Italy

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

It is a common (and true) conception that Italians are furbi. “Furbo” is an Italian word that is a little difficult to translate but it mostly means “clever” often in a good way but sometimes it’s negative. Many years ago, in the 80s, on my very first time in Italy on a business trip I […]

The madness of crowds

Friday, March 6th, 2020

A few interesting observations about the situation in Italy and the U.S. in the face of the coronavirus. As of this writing Italy has the third highest number of cases of people infected. The latest numbers of those infected: __________Infected / Population (millions China ——–80,555/ 1,439 S. Korea——-6,593/ 51 Italy————3,858/ 60 USA ————– 233/ 331 […]

Oops…I did it again

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Yes, I did it again. No relationship to the Britney Spears performance (better Richard Thompson or Max Raabe). No nothing to do with relationships except with me and the pickpockets in Bologna. Crowded bus – DANGER zone, actually probably a crowded anywhere. So this time the wallet contained 3 credit cards, my bancomat (debit card), […]

House hunting in Bologna

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

It’s time to find a larger house. The one I have is great in many respects. It is in a great location, convenient to a lot of things, good bus service, energy efficient (a rarity in an old city like Bologna), has an elevator, is quiet BUT it is too small for 2 people to […]