Category: Uncategorized

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Torino again – Bunker Big Market

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Last weekend I was in Torino, as I am on alternate weekends and was looking around for something to do. Like most cities there are a bunch of things to do and many cities have a website with lists and specifics. Here in Bologna there is “” and in Torino there is “”, heck maybe […]

Italian Driver’s License – the final chapter

Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

If you’ve been reading my blog you already know what a struggle it is to get an Italian license to drive. From the truly absurd test for theory to the incredible cost. Now I have an updated cost. I thought that the total would be about 700 euros. However I took an additional two lessons […]

Italian Driver’s License – Part 3

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

From my last post on the complex subject of obtaining an Italian driver’s license (click here to see that one) I noted that I was scheduled to take the test on the theory on October 1st. So I passed with only one error out of 40 questions (4 are allowed). So I felt pretty good […]

It’s the cheese!

Thursday, October 10th, 2019

One day not long ago Laura sent me an email with a link for “The Cheese”. Yes both words are capitalized and the website is Italian and the rest of the language is Italian. What is going on here? Well it turns out that the little city of Bra (population 20,000) which happens to be […]