Category: Uncategorized

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Transgender words in Italian

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

Ok, this has nothing to do with actual sex. During this period of lock-down and being largely confined to the house I have been reading a lot and I always come across curiosities of the Italian language. So with a lot of time on my hands I thought that I’d write about some peculiarities of […]

What are you doing during the lock-down?

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Frankly the lock-down is a pain in the ass. Like everyone I’m tired of it all but at the same time I dread the prospect of getting sick and maybe even dying. So I go outside the house almost strictly to go grocery shopping, see a doctor every once in a while or go to […]

What did you do for Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Here in Bologna I cooked a turkey breast, made cranberry sauce and roasted green beans and carrots with shallots. It was something of an adventure. I went to a nearby butcher shop (macelleria) and bought a half turkey breast. I was going to buy a whole one until I saw the size. Even a half […]

More about the the national health system SSN (Sistema Sanitario Nazionale)

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

I now have significantly more experience with the SSN. Since I am not an Italian citizen I enroll each year by paying a sum based upon my last year’s income. Since my basic income is Social Security that has averaged about 1650 euros a year or just under 140 euros a month which at today’s […]