Archive for the ‘Vehicles’ Category
Due Ruote (two wheels)
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
During the times that I’ve been in Bologna this year and last I have been struck by the popularity and practicality of two wheeled vehicles. Bicycles are everywhere and coexist comfortably with traffic. I rode a bicycle to school every day when it didn’t rain for about 6 weeks and loved it. It seemed that […]
Pranzo con mamma (lunch with mom)
Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Well, not my mother. That would be impossible. Â Last weekend I went with my friend and teacher, Claudia, from the school to visit her mother in Mesola. I had exchanged emails with her mother when I was still in California and enjoyed our exchanges. One weekend, some weeks ago, her mother Cinzia came to Bologna […]
Il Volo (the flight)
Sunday, May 27th, 2012
Paolo, my friend the orthodontist, is partners in small plane – and I do mean small. If it were any smaller it would not be able to accommodate two people. Let’s just say that you should both take a shower before taking off. Getting into the plane is something of a contortionist endeavor. First grasp […]