The Bicycle
Thursday, May 17th, 2012
I have rented a bicycle from the school at the wonderfully low price of 10 euros a week and I store it in the garage. I ride to and from school, to the gym and to the Coop to buy the few groceries that I need for the week. Riding through the center of Bologna […]
The Bicycle
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Weekend in Torino
Monday, October 31st, 2011
I have had Skype calls with Massimiliano for a year. Each week at the appointed hour (11:30 California time and 8:30 Italian time) we talked for an hour. We are friends but had never met one another. I had a plan to go Torino (Turin) a month ago but the week before the planned trip, […]
Weekend in Torino
Posted in Culture, Food, Language, Travel, Vehicles | 2 Comments »
Thursday, September 29th, 2011
How could I go to Bologna and not visit Ducati? I had a Ducati many years ago and have quite a fondness for them. Not only that but the factory is in Borgo Panigali which is really a suburb but is officially part of Bologna. There is a bus that goes directly there – well, […]
Posted in Travel, Vehicles | 2 Comments »
Cause and Effect
Friday, September 16th, 2011
Ah, America. Land of the land boat. It’s our right, after all, to drive SUVs and even Hummers. It’s practically a death sentence for any politician to suggest that maybe there’s a reasonable alternative. So we keep sending shiploads of money to other countries around the world in exchange for shiploads of the precious fluids […]
Cause and Effect
Posted in Culture, Vehicles | 4 Comments »